Posts tagged Martin Luther
Becoming Catholic #28: Former Calvinist Theologian and Historian Set Out to Disprove the Catholic Church, and Becomes Catholic—The Story of Dr. David Anders

Few conversion stories had as big of an effect on my own conversion as that of Dr. David Anders. Before becoming Catholic, he was a Calvinist theologian and historian who had set out to defend the reformation and disprove Catholicism. But after years of studying the sources, Anders himself ended up Catholic.

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Becoming Catholic #25: Protestants: “The Church is morally corrupt!” Pope: “Correct. We repent!”

Growing up a protestant, I was accustomed to hearing how bad the Catholic Church was before the “reformation.” But when I dove into the details myself, I found a fascinating story my fellow protestants had never told me about. Just two years after Martin Luther was excommunicated, and before some of Europe’s most powerful leaders, the Catholic Pope openly admitted how deeply moral corruption had infected the Church, and that much of it stemmed from the papacy itself.

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